Biogas fresh fruit and storage

Biogas fresh-keeping fruits and rations are technologies that use biogas as a kind of environmental gas modulator for air-conditioned storage. It is the use of methane and carbon dioxide in the confined conditions, high oxygen content, very low oxygen content, non-toxic methane properties and characteristics to adjust the gas composition in the storage environment, resulting in a state of high carbon dioxide and oxygen, to control fruits and vegetables, The respiration intensity of grain reduces the consumption of substrates during storage and prevents insects, molds, diseases, and bacteria, thereby prolonging storage time and maintaining good quality. The production has been used for the preservation of fresh fruits and vegetables and the storage of grains and seeds. The effect is very obvious.
1. Biogas Storage Citrus Biogas Storage Citrus is the use of biogas to displace the air in the storage room, reduce the oxygen content, reduce the respiration intensity of citrus, weaken its metabolism, postpone the post-ripening period, and at the same time reduce the effect of citrus production on ethylene, thereby achieving Long-term storage and preservation effect. It is an advanced air-conditioning fresh-keeping technology, which is simple, low-cost equipment, and high economic efficiency. Biogas storage citrus, fresh-keeping period of up to 70-180 days, the rate of fruit preservation 80% -90%, the weight loss rate is less than 10%.
(1) The storage facilities and the facilities for building biogas storage citrus include five kinds of membrane cover type, storage room, box type, soil cellar type and cabinet type. These storage facilities need to be built in a place with ventilation, cleanliness, relatively stable temperature, small temperature difference between day and night, within 30 meters of the digester, and they should be underground and semi-underground.
1. Membrane type: The facility is constructed with plastic film. Choose a plastic film with a thickness of 0.20 to 0.25mm, mechanical strength, transparency, and good heat-sealing properties, and press it into a large account according to the amount of storage. In the center of the top of the tent, a suction port is provided, and the inflation port is set in the center of the bottom of the account. According to the size of the membrane cover, use more than 10 small wooden sticks or bamboo strips to make brackets, laying plastic film, brick, river sand and other mats on the ground, stacking citrus, covering the membrane cover, the junction of the top film and the bottom of the film. Sealed with wet mud sand and buried biogas gas pipelines and water pipes. This device is less investment, easy to operate and suitable for family farmers to store.
2, storage room: storage room with brick and cement mortar masonry. To set biogas inlets, vents, observation ports, and access doors. The door and the door frame must be sealed, usually with rubber to meet the requirements. A biogas diffuser is installed at the bottom of the storage room. The diffuser is made by drilling plastic pipes to achieve uniform diffusion of biogas from bottom to top. The diffuser is connected to the biogas through the inlet opening. The observation hole is filled with glass and is sealed with putty. Through the observation hole, thermometers and hygrometers hanging in the storage room can be seen. Where conditions permit, an oxygen analyzer or a carbon dioxide meter may be connected to the vent hole to monitor the oxygen and carbon dioxide content of the ambient gas in the storage room at any time. This kind of facility has a large reserve. The storage room can be divided into separate rooms. The citrus is packed in the basket and stored in the small rooms. Install the door and seal it with tape.
3, box type: brick and cement mortar, require the formation of the inner wall, the outer wall with cement: Lime: sand 1:0.5:2 mortar light, and then brushed with pure grout twice, with the mouth The plastic film is sealed and the biogas transmission pipe, vent hole and water pipe are embedded in the bottom of the box. This device has a small storage space and is suitable for families to store.
4, soil kiln cellar type: the use of soil storage kiln orange, storage capacity, suitable for orchard, professional household bulk storage. The crypts are round-shaped and are large and small. There is a wooden door at the bottom and a vent hole at the top. The production and sealing of the door require the manufacture of the aforementioned storage room door. The biogas diffuser is placed at the bottom and communicates with the embedded biogas intake pipe.
(ii) When harvesting oranges from harvested fruits should be done at a maturity level of 80% to 90%, select sunny days and pick up the dried dew in the morning. When harvesting, use fruit cutting and cutting, and cut fruit twice. First cut off one centimeter from the fruit pedicle, and then trim the fruit stems neatly at the Qijing film to preserve the complete fruit pedicle. The fruit basket should be lined with a soft pad, gently and gently, not to hurt the fruit. To be mining, side loading, and side transport. Picked citrus, to avoid the sun. Do not stay overnight in the orchard. Store fruits according to their shape, color, quality and size. Store the wounds, insects, diseased fruits, malformed fruits, and fruits that are too large or too small. Select no damage, no pests, Uniform fruit baskets.
(3) Pre-reserve choose dry, cool and ventilated places to pre-store the oranges with baskets, so that the citrus peels will evaporate a small amount of water to release “field heat” so as to reduce the bulge pressure of the peel and make the peel soften. Slightly elastic, the pulp does not dry, it can also reduce the invasion of bacteria, increase the color of the peel. Pre-storage time is usually 2 to 3 days.
(iv) Store and manage Citrus citrus will be cleaned within two days before storage, and the storage space and the four walls will be disinfected. Generally, 2 to 6 liters of formalin are fumigated per cubic meter of storage space. Can also be used formalin spray, the amount of use per square meter area is 30ml. After disinfection, it takes 2 days for ventilation to enter the citrus. Biogas storage and preservation of citrus are the result of the interaction of storage temperature, humidity, and various gas components and work together. Attention must be paid to management during storage.
1. Control the amount of biogas: The biogas input to the storage device should be desulphurized, and its amount should be limited to the respiratory intensity that can inhibit the citrus fruit. However, due to the impact of the construction quality and the degree of sealing on the storage devices currently used, the airtight properties vary, and there are often different degrees of air leakage. Therefore, the amount of biogas that is transferred to the unit storage volume is also different. Under normal circumstances, the biogas input volume is 0.01-0.03m3 biogas input per cubic meter of storage space per day. The input of biogas can be reduced in the early stage of storage. When the temperature is higher and the respiration of citrus increases, the input amount should be increased. Due to the differences in temperature, humidity, and storage species, the input of biogas is difficult to uniform standards. When using biogas storage and preservation of citrus, localities should be determined within the unit volume after testing according to different species, temperature, humidity, and the degree of sealing of storage devices. Enter the amount of biogas and the input interval.
2. Fruit turning and environmental disinfection: Turn fruit once a week after storage and remove damaged or degraded fruits. After every half month or so, combined with ventilation and fruit turning once. When checking the status of storage, the timely picking-out of injuries, diseases, rot fruits, and premature, premature senescence, and dry fruits with high levels of maturity will prevent economic loss and increase the good fruit rate. When moving boxes or turning fruit, please handle it gently, and do not damage the storage of citrus fruits. To maintain the cleanliness of the storage place, every 2 days or so, 2% lime water is used to disinfect the outdoor ground and the exterior walls.
3, to maintain appropriate temperature and humidity: the general requirements of storage temperature of 4 °C ~ 15 °C, more than 15 °C to be particularly careful, more than 20 °C storage can not be carried out. If the temperature is too high, the citrus will be rotted. If the temperature is too low, the citrus will be frozen and affect its quality. Humidity is an important condition for improving the freshness and quality of stored citrus. When the storage environment is dry, the oranges evaporate quickly and often appear wilting, resulting in a decrease in the freshness rate and a low commodity value. Excessive humidity can easily cause disease and cause rot. Under normal circumstances, the humidity in the storage room should be controlled at 90% to 98%. When the humidity is not enough, water can be added from the water adding hole to the storage room.
4, fruit: Before the fruit should be ventilated for 3 to 5 days, so that the citrus gradually adapt to the environment outside the library, to prevent the library "see the wind".
5, to prevent fires, explosions and other accidents: biogas is a combustible gas, a biogas mixed with about six parts of air, in the event of fire will be an explosion. Therefore, smoking and lighting are strictly forbidden inside and outside the storage room.
(5) Storage effect The use of biogas to store oranges and sweet oranges throughout the country indicates that they can generally be stored for 90 to 150 days, the good fruit rate is 90%, the water loss rate is only 5% to 7%, and the cost of fruit storage is low. After the biogas storage, the citrus and orange have a fresh and full appearance. Most of the fruit pedicles are green and bright, and their hardness is suitable. The flesh is fresh, juicy and less slag, slightly sour in the sweetness, and maintains the flavor of the fresh fruit. Moreover, as detected by the Institute of Citrus Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the changes in nutrient content are in line with the physiological changes of fruit storage, especially high levels of vitamin C and fructose, and no sulfide content is detected, which is actually non-toxic. Therefore, using this technology to store fruit is safe and reliable.
2. Biogas storage grain The biogas storage grain is to reduce the oxygen content in the grain heap under the sealed condition to control the respiration intensity of grain, reduce the material consumption during storage, and cause various kinds of pests that damage food to die due to lack of oxygen. To achieve longer storage time and maintain good quality. It has many advantages such as simple method, convenient operation, less investment, no pollution, good control effect, etc. It can be used for the majority of farmers, and can also be applied in medium and small granaries. The test showed that the biogas storage grain will not be revitalized after 96 hours. The Sikjae Pirates and the Mitsutoga will no longer be revived after 72 hours. The biogas removal rate can reach 98.8%.
(1) Farmers store grain The farmers usually produce less grain and use common altars, tanks, barrels, and concrete pools to store grain. The specific method is: use a wooden board to make a bottle stopper cylinder cover, drill two small holes, the size of the aperture to be able to insert biogas into the gas pipe is appropriate. One hole is inserted into the intake pipe and the other hole is inserted into the exhaust pipe. Install a switch on each of the inlet and outlet pipes. Then connect the air inlet pipe to a homemade bamboo inlet diffuser (the bamboo in the middle, the bottom section does not open, and the bamboo pipe with several holes drilled around) is placed in the bottom of the tile cylinder. After covering the grain, cover the cylinder head and seal it with paraffin. Connect the pressure gauge and the biogas switch, lamp or stove at one end of the exhaust pipe. Biogas naturally passes through the grain heap each time it is used. The first time the gas is charged, the switch on the exhaust pipe should be opened so that the air in the cylinder can be discharged as far as possible so as to ignite the biogas lamp. Then, the switch is turned off and the cylinder is filled with biogas. In 5 days, all the pests can be killed. Another method is that the exhaust pipe is not connected to the stove. Whenever the biogas is introduced, the outlet pipe switch should be opened so that the air in the container is exhausted by the biogas. After the pass, close the outlet valve again. Generally, the amount of biogas that is introduced every time is 1.5 times the volume of the grain storage container. The simple test method is to connect the biogas output pipe to the biogas furnace so that the output gas can ignite the biogas furnace. After 4 days of sealing, biogas is input again. Biogas will be used every 15 days or so. This storage method can cascade multiple storage containers.
(II) Grain storage grain storage The storage of grain is relatively large. It consists of a grain store, biogas intake system, and plastic film cover. The key to killing pests is to have enough biogas and seal well.
1. Equipment and Installation: At the bottom of the grain pile, a "ray-shaped", upper-middle-shaped "well"-shaped inlet diffuser is to be installed, and the diffusion tube must reach the edge of the grain pile to facilitate the diffusion of biogas. The diffusion tube is made of a plastic tube with an inner diameter of more than 1.5 cm as the main tube, and a 0.6 cm plastic tube is used as the branch tube. A vent hole is drilled every 30 cm. The "ray-shaped" diffusion tube is connected to the biogas flowmeter; the flowmeter is connected to the biogas transmission line and the beginning. The grain pile is covered with a layer of 0.1-0.2 mm thick polyethylene plastic. A small tube is installed on the top of the grain pile as an exhaust passage, and is connected with an oxygen measuring instrument or a carbon dioxide analyzer to measure the oxygen content of the environmental gas in the grain stack at any time. Amount or carbon dioxide content.
2. Input biogas: Check that there is no air leakage and obstruction in the entire system before turning on the biogas gas transmission switch so that the biogas enters the grain pile. The gas in the grain heap is discharged from the exhaust pipe at the top of the granary under the drive of the biogas pressure. Carbon dioxide and oxygen analyzers are used to control biogas throughput. When the carbon dioxide content in the grain piles rises to more than 20% and the oxygen content drops below 5%, the aeration is stopped and the seals are kept for 3 to 5 days. This can kill major grain pests such as corn elephants and mung beans in the grain piles. After that, biogas will be input once every half month or so according to the above gas concentration. In the absence of a gas composition analyzer, biogas can be input for 4 consecutive days at the start of the process, with each input being 1.5 times the volume of the grain reactor. After that, biogas is input every half month, and the input is still 1.5 times the volume of the grain pile. When entering biogas, the exhaust pipe should be opened.
(III) Precautions
1. Always check the entire system for leaks, obstructions, and whether the granary is sealed. If there is condensation in the pipeline, it should be discharged in time.
2. It is strictly forbidden to smoke inside or around the grain store or use open fire such as coal or lighters to prevent fire and explosion accidents.
3, biogas digester gas production and ventilation support. If the biogas digester production gas or gas storage capacity is not enough to meet the required gas volume at one time, the required biogas volume can be input for two or three consecutive days. At the same time, some more raw materials for fermentation are added to the biogas digesters to strengthen the management of biogas tanks so that biogas digesters can produce more gas to ensure that there is sufficient biogas.
4. The food with high water content is in anoxic respiration for a long time, which will produce more sprinkling and reduce the quality of food. Therefore, food should be dried as much as possible before storage to reduce the moisture to below 13% to ensure grain storage security.
(4) Storage effect Biogas storage is simple, low-cost, non-polluting, and the economic benefits are significant. According to local trials, using biogas to store grain, moisture decreased by 13.5%, pests decreased by 100%, and germination rate increased by 4.7%. In the grain harvest season, the general high temperatures and pool gas pools produce more methane gas, which are beneficial to this method of grain storage and are suitable for application in rural areas.

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