What is good with a golden baby dry spreader?

At present, the Jinbao dry-type fermentation bed breeding mode is no longer strange for farmers, not only deodorant environmental protection, energy saving, saving water, saving labor, but also can promote disease resistance, improve quality. Let the farmers really benefit from it. So what are the specific benefits? The image can be summed up for the following major functions. 1. The fermentation bed has the function of "natural air conditioning". The “Fine in Winter and Cool in the Summer” is used in the fermentation bed made by using the golden baby dry yeast fermentation bed. The mixture of animal urine and sawdust bedding is rapidly fermented and decomposed under the action of functional microorganisms to generate heat. The center photometry temperature can reach forty to fifty degrees or more, and the surface layer is not fermented as usual, and the temperature is maintained at 20 for a long time. A few degrees. In the winter below 0-15°C, coal-fired heating costs can be greatly reduced, animals are less sick, and much trouble is saved. At the same time, the maximum temperature of the microbial fermentation in the core layer of the fermentation bed can reach about fifty degrees, but through the buffer layer, to the surface of the bed, due to the large contact area with the outside, there is no fermentation conditions, so the surface temperature is stable in the twenty In fact, it has basically formed a heated bed that is warm in winter and cool in summer. 2. The fermentation bed has the function of "animal doctor". After fermentation of the litter mixture, decomposition or degradation of many beneficial substances, such as the growth of actinomycetes, bacterial proteins, trace elements, amino acids, various beneficial metabolites, growth promoting factors, etc., in which trace elements The growth of pigs also plays a good and sometimes even critical role. Animal food litter can absorb all kinds of trace elements necessary for the maintenance of life metabolism, prompting its growth and development process will not be "nulls" (such as iron deficiency, calcium, zinc, etc.). The fermentation bed is a “big warehouse” that supplies trace elements for free all year round. 3, the fermentation bed has "automatic cleaning" function. Throughout the fermentation bed, pigs form an “ecological chain” with sawdust bedding, microorganisms, pig manure, etc., like a factory “workshop”. It is constantly running water, including animal excrement. The organic matter is transformed in the cycle by the “functional” microbe “fertilizer” in the Golden Dolphin starter. The microorganisms “eat” the pig manure and the pig “eats” the microorganisms and their metabolites. The entire pig house has no waste and no residue. emission". No feces and rubbish are produced. The flies and mosquitoes have no basis for survival. There are far fewer epidemics of infectious diseases. The entire shed is very hygienic and clean. It is difficult to see flies and the air is fresh and odorless. 4. The fermentation bed has the function of "raise meat quality". There are many factors that affect the quality of meat, such as the use of various veterinary drugs, the improper addition of feed additives, unqualified feed, etc., resulting in animal foods with high moisture content, poor taste and so on. Pigs that grow in wet conditions have odor and smell. Animals grown in the treacherous dry fermentation bed are rarely ill, use little or almost no medication, drastically reduce or even eliminate drug residues, make the meat more fragrant, taste better, and sell at a higher price. 5. The fermentation bed has the function of "providing play". Jinbao dry-type fermentation bed culture mode basically overcomes the drawbacks of traditional feeding methods, and the animal's environment has returned to the free-range state to a certain extent, and life is relaxed and comfortable. On the ground of the fermentation bed can be circled. Under large-circle feeding conditions, the animal lives in a spacious space, which guarantees places and conditions for sports and fun. Animals have enough exercise and fun in everyday life. In particular, pigs with arching habits in the fermentation bed, not only bring joy to life, but also satisfy the desire to explore. Pigs have something to do to fill the emptiness of the pigs that scale pigs have nothing to do and improve the pig's happiness. For details, please contact: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Telephone Toll Free Hotline:

Veterinary Products



African Horse Sickness

African Swine Fever

Aino Disease


Amblyomma hebraeum

Amblyomma variegatum

American Cattle Tick

See: Boophilus annulatus


Aujeszky`s Disease

Avian Influenza

Avian Mycoplasmosis



See: Cat Scratch Disease


Blue Eye Disease


Boophilus annulatus

Boophilus microplus


Bovine Babesiosis

Bovine Ephemeral Fever

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Bovine Tuberculosis

Brown Ear Tick

See: Rhipicephalus appendiculatus

Brucella abortus

Brucella canis

Brucella melitensis

Brucella ovis

Brucella suis


Brucellosis (Marine Mammals)




Canine Influenza

Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis

Castor Bean Tick

See: Ixodes ricinus

Cat Scratch Disease

Cattle Fever

See: Bovine Babesiosis

Chagas (Trypanosomiasis-American)

Chlamydiosis (Avian)

Chlamydiosis (Mammalian)


Chronic Wasting Disease

Classical Swine Fever


Coggins Disease

See: Equine Infectious Anemia

Contagious Agalactia

Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia

Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia

Contagious Ecthyma

Contagious Equine Metritis


See: Q Fever

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever




See: Taenia





Duck Virus Enteritis

Duck Virus Hepatitis


Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis

Ebola Virus Disease


Egg Drop Syndrome


Enterovirus Encephalomyelitis

Epizootic Hematopoietic Necrosis

Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease

Epizootic Lymphangitis

Epsilon Toxin of Clostridium perfringens

Equine Babesiosis

See: Equine Piroplasmosis

Equine Encephalitides

Equine Infectious Anemia

Equine Piroplasmosis

Equine Viral Arteritis

Escherichia coli 0157:H7

Exotic Ticks

See: Ticks (Exotic)


Ivermectin Injection,Veterinary Injection,Veterinary Products,Veterinary Tablet

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