Feeding management of weaned piglets (care pigs)

Management key point: The growth performance of weaned piglets determines the time to market for fattening pigs. To achieve good post-weaning growth performance, comprehensive management must be carried out in terms of nutrition, environment, disease, etc., focusing on either side will not achieve the desired results.

1. For the farms that use high beds to feed the pens, the one-time weaning method is often used; in the farms that use ground-level feeding, it is best to use gradual weaning or batch weaning, and the weaning work is generally completed within 5 days. After the weaning, three changes were maintained. That is, the original feed (feeding piglet feed) was fed for 1-2 weeks, the original lap (to drive the sows away, leaving piglets), and the original nest (the original litter transfer group and grouping). Circle, transfer group); implement three transitions: the gradual transition of feed, feeding system, operating system, reduce weaning stress;

2. The feed intake of the piglet should be controlled within 5-6 days after weaning, feeding 7-80% satiety, implementing less frequent meals (6-8 times a day and night) and gradually transitioning to free feeding. The principle of feeding the total amount of feed is to make the piglets eat as much as possible without premise of nourishing diarrhea. Practice shows that if the feed intake of piglets reaches 200 grams per day on average in the first week after weaning, the piglets will have ideal weight gain;

3. Before weaning piglets enter the nursery, they must thoroughly clean, wash, and disinfect the nursery homes and the outside to kill the bacteria. After the piglets enter the nursery, they must be disinfected regularly (2-3 times a week), and the feces, urine, etc. should be promptly cleaned up. Dirt; good ventilation and insulation work to prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases. The suitable ambient temperature is: 1-2 weeks after weaning, 26-28°C; 3-4 weeks, 24-26°C; after 5 weeks, it should be kept at about 20-22°C. The relative humidity should be kept at 40%-60%.

4. Provide plenty of clean drinking water day and night, and add neomycin, lignocin, water-soluble electrolytes, etc. in drinking water within 7-10 days after weaning to encourage piglets to feed and grow, prevent piglets from drinking dirty water and cause diarrhea;

5. Each litter of weak piglets was selected for individual rearing to improve the uniformity of nursery pigs;

6. According to the procedures, timely prevention, drug use and repelling parasites in vivo and in vitro;

7. Pigs were inspected daily for food intake, drinking water, and health conditions, and the disease, disability, and dead pigs were treated in a timely manner;

8. Implementing all-in and all-out management to break the spread of diseases among pigs;

9. In particular to prevent edema disease, pneumonia caused by reproduction and respiratory syndrome virus, enteritis caused by Salmonella, septicemia, streptococcal polysyrenitis, meningitis and arthritis, and multiple systemic weight loss syndrome after weaning ( PWWS). For isolation and treatment of diseased pigs, special care should be taken. Those who have no significant effect for 3-4 consecutive days of treatment will be eliminated and killed;

10. Keep the appropriate density, and the group does not combine with each other day and night; special attention should be paid to avoiding the phenomenon of different food spots such as tail biting and ear-biting.

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