Fish feed method

Feeding amount

According to the species stocking size, quantity, planned growth factor of the fish eaten, and the bait factor. Namely: Feeding amount = stocking factor by multiplying the stocking weight, so as to calculate the total amount of food needed for the whole year, so as to arrange the required food plan and funds for the whole year so as to avoid gaps in funds and feed, and make preparations as early as possible.

Daily volume

Calculated according to the planned feeding amount and the proportion of each month for the whole year, it can also be calculated according to the fish's increasing body weight of 1% to 5%, and the monthly average feeding amount is obtained. Generally, it is the average amount in the middle, and is less in the early days. It will be more late in the day.

Daily feeding times and times

Summer fry, the water temperature is higher, the individual is smaller, the number of daily feeding should be no less than 5 to 6 times, July to September fish is the most prosperous food, the fastest growing period, the number of daily feeding should be 4 ~ 5 times. After October, as the water temperature decreases, the number of feedings gradually decreases until the fish no longer feed. Each feeding time is not less than 20 minutes, in order to ensure that the fish eat 80% full without waste on the principle.

Feeding principle and method

Can be summarized as "uniform, full, good" three words. Evenly, according to the fish's demand, feed it evenly every day. This will not only prevent diseases and ensure normal growth, but also increase the efficiency of bait utilization. Foot, which is the most appropriate amount of feed, meets the needs of fish; well, it is bait. High quality, nutrition, palatable, fresh and so on.

In the "timing, quantitative, positioning" at the same time with the combination of watching the weather, watching the water quality, watching the food and activities of fish to determine the frequency and quantity of feeding.


Puyang Linshi Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. ,

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