How to preserve silage in the production process

First, the production method.

1, straw cutting. The straw raw material is cut into 2~3cm. The short cut plant tissue can ooze a lot of juice, which is conducive to the growth of lactic acid bacteria and speed up the silage process. At the same time, it is convenient for compaction, compaction, and venting, and the settlement is also uniform. Low nutrient loss.

2, according to the proportion of adjustment. The golden babe silage starter is diluted with rice bran (wheat bran or corn meal) in a ratio of about 1:10. The water is sprayed and the moisture of the material is adjusted to 60~70%. The water judging method is: grab a handful of material, see the water is not Dripping, landing can be dispersed.

3, material pressure. Reserve the appropriate moisture material in front of it and store it on the side while loading the raw materials while pressing and spreading the starter. Put about 30 centimeters for each time, especially if the edge is stepped as far as possible. Try to fill the cellar once as much as possible.

4, filling size. The load should be 30 cm above the edge to prevent silage sinking. Surround with a wooden board, etc., after 2 to 3 days sink and remove the board, cover with a layer of short cut 5 to 10 cm. The grass is about 20 cm thick, and then the cover soil is pressed solidly. The thickness of the cover soil is 60 cm. It is piled into a hoe shape and the surface is flattened. And dig a drainage ditch around the pit.

5, pay attention to fermentation. The raw materials in the silage facilities must be sealed and covered immediately after they are packed. The final material covered by the seal box is a large piece of plastic cloth. Sealing the silage materials with 2 to 3 layers strictly prevents the air from contacting the materials and maintaining the facilities In the absence of oxygen, the final cover of 20 ~ 30 cm wet soil, the soil should be no impurities can not damage the plastic film during operation, damage the seal, when you cover the soil you must master, must cover from one head to the other, so that through the soil Gravity will keep the air under the plastic sheet to the side until all the air is exhausted to achieve a better sealing effect. The dirt on the dome must be cleared out of the rim of the cymbal. It is best to have a rounded slope to prevent the rain from seeping inside. After all the silages have been made, the condition of the cover soil is checked every day, and the soil should sink with silage materials.

Second, the storage method.

Fermentation feeds are best fed now and are no more than two days old, so you must first determine the weight of the fermentation raw materials according to your actual situation. Of course, if you want to store the fermented material for more than two days, you can use anaerobic storage methods to seal the material after cooling. If you have only three or five heads of livestock at home, it is best to mix all ingredients such as corn stalks and corn flour and mix them before fermentation. After fermentation, the ingredients should be properly proportioned with the concentrate to feed the animals together, which is more conducive to the absorption and growth of livestock. . Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd., toll-free hotline

Recommended reading:

1. Silage straw technology converts fiber into sugar and acid

2. What are the advantages of straw silage?

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