The "scale" of the dairy industry should not be rushed

Under the guidance and support of the national policy of large-scale dairy cow breeding, the scale of China's dairy industry has developed rapidly in recent years. However, the reporters of the Half-Month Talk recently conducted surveys in Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, and Guangdong, and found that due to factors such as subsidies after construction first, strong support from weak local governments, and other factors, some of the farmers in the free-range farmers were blocked outside the threshold of scale. Enjoy the large-scale development of the dairy industry.

Experts reminded that to avoid the scale of the dairy industry becoming “a withdrawal of dairy farmers”, we should combine the economic concept of enriching the people proposed in the national “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” and implement the strategy of “enlarging the scale and enriching the people” to make the dairy industry a real rich. industry.

The real predicament of retail dairy farmers The reporters interviewed in Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia, and many dairy farmers reflected that their current status of scattered farming is difficult to change because they are unable to develop to scale and they do not receive corresponding support.

Liu Chunmeng, a dairy farmer in Chengji Village, Chaoyang Township, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, said that the dairy farms in Chengji Village have had many years of history. However, there has been no breeding farm or pasture until now. No one in the village or village has organized the farmers. In addition, the farmers themselves could not afford to invest. One is that there are no plots to build a community, and the other is that there are no capital equipment. There is not even a silo in the village, and there is no mechanized milking station. I have heard that the subsidies given above are rarely paid by dairy farmers and I do not know where they are going.

Qi Xiaoyu, deputy director of the Dairy Industry Management Office in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, said that it is impossible for farmers to invest in large-scale ranches like companies do. Buying a high-quality dairy cow now costs more than 20,000 yuan, not counting land fees, and only civil engineering, steel construction, and permit fees will cost tens of millions of yuan. Enterprises can raise funds by themselves, but they can still make loans. Individual dairy farmers cannot.

The reporter learned that individual dairy farmers not only have difficulties in establishing their own ranches, but also lack the channels to participate in the development of the ranch. During an interview, the reporter asked Zhang Huixing, deputy general manager of Heilongjiang Feihe Dairy Production Division. Can a dairy farmer buy milk from the company and the other party clearly told the reporter: “We just made a demonstration and told dairy farmers that raising cattle can make money, but not Plan to get them involved!"

In Xianyuan Township, Anda City, Heilongjiang Province, many dairy farmers reported that they could not participate in large-scale ranches or communities. Now the price of milk produced by a community or ranch is sold at about 3.5 yuan per kilogram, and the milk of free-living households can only be sold for about 2.9 yuan.

Wang Feng, deputy director of the National Dairy Management Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, told reporters that although the pace of large-scale dairy cattle breeding has been accelerating in China, 60% of dairy cows in China are still raised by small-scale households with less than 20 stocks. It's a long way to go.

Unbalanced subsidies The reporter learned from the National Dairy Management Office of the Ministry of Agriculture that since 2009, the state has allocated 500 million yuan each year to support the establishment of standardized dairy farms and communities. At present, the country has accumulatively supported 1,946 dairy farms and communities, and organized and created 410 standardized dairy farms. The country's subsidies are so large. Why are many dairy farmers still unable to enter the threshold of scale?

In an interview, the reporter found that in the development of large-scale ranch, some local governments adopted the policy of “helping the stronger but not weaker” in order to realize the scale ratio as soon as possible. The subsidy mechanism was reversed. Large-scale construction was conducted first, and subsidy was given after acceptance. This made it impossible for the individual dairy farmers who were short of funds to enjoy the state subsidy policy.

Zhang Yili, director of Heilongjiang Dairy Industry Management Office, introduced that there are high thresholds for pastures or communities that can enjoy large-scale subsidies. Since 2008, Heilongjiang Province has provided subsidies of 500,000 to 800,000 yuan to farms and districts with a farming scale of 200 or more. In 2008, 2009 and 2010, a total of 236 farms and districts were added. In 2011, the number of farms and districts that benefited from subsidies increased to 300 cows, and there were approximately 84 farms and districts that met the subsidy standards.

In addition to subsidy thresholds, Heilongjiang Province has also tended to give priority to dairy companies in terms of subsidies. The reason is to encourage dairy companies to build their own breeding bases and give priority to local brand management. Heilongjiang Province requires that local companies such as Feihe, Wandashan, Cradle and Longdan build their own large-scale pastures by no less than 30%, so these enterprises have received some subsidies.

According to Zhang Yili's introduction, Heilongjiang Province has subsidized nearly 50 million yuan for a fully-mixed ration mixer for large-scale ranching. It is also based on the principle of “who buys and supplements” and basically replenishes pasture. Since the subsidy such as the mechanical milking machine was fully replenished to a large local company, the company responsible for supervising the funds did not even dare to sign when the company received the subsidy.

Huo Zhihong, deputy director of the Bureau of Animal Husbandry in Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang Province, said that in addition to the lack of funds and land, the low degree of organization of dairy farmers is also a limiting factor.

Song Liang, a dairy analyst at China Merchants Productivity Promotion Center, said that the average yield of medium-sized and large-scale farms in China is as high as 15% to 30%, while the average yield of farm households is only 5%. Due to the lack of modern organization and management mechanisms, it is difficult for many dairy farmers to be effectively organized for large-scale farming and enjoy the benefits of large-scale development.

The "scale" of the dairy industry should not be overemphasized. Some experts believe that the scale of the dairy industry should not exclude milk farmers as the mainstay of this industry. The concept of enriching the people put forward by the plan, taking the scale as an opportunity, and implementing the strategy of “enlarging the scale and enriching the people” will make the dairy industry a real rich economy.

People in the industry believe that the gradual withdrawal of free-standing households is a phenomenon in the process of large-scale production. However, it is necessary to make clear how the dairy farmers exited, and in particular to avoid the simultaneous withdrawal of large numbers of dairy farmers in a short period of time. Li Shengli, chief scientist of the National Modern Dairy Industry Technology System, said that with the development of the industry, with the continuous advancement of scale, some milk farmers have withdrawn from the dairy farming sector has become a trend, but this is accompanied by another part of the dairy farmers to achieve the scale Aquaculture, not all dairy farmers exit.

What is worthy of caution is that some grass-roots management cadres consider it “natural” to the current exit of dairy farmers. A grass-roots animal husbandry bureau official in Heilongjiang Province said that dairy cows are not suitable for free-range farming, and cow breeding is the most demanding industry in animal husbandry. Therefore, dairy cow breeding should be a rich industry.

According to the reporter’s interview, from the current situation, compared with supporting dairy farmers, the support of large enterprises at all levels of government is more effective and more convenient. Therefore, some local governments are weak in promoting the large-scale development of dairy farmers, and some even have There has also been a phenomenon in which the animal husbandry authorities used the state's supportive policies to perform rent-seeking.

Industry insiders and experts say that it is a long and arduous process to cultivate dairy farmers and gradually scale up. Local governments must have enough patience and “for the people” to adopt three major measures to implement large-scale farmers:

First, on the scale of the road, the country’s scale policy and funding should be tilted to dairy farmers, and efforts should be made to solve the financial difficulties faced by dairy farmers in the development of large-scale farming, and provide financing and other assistance for them.

Second, local governments have increased their efforts in organizing large-scale farming of dairy farmers, and have adopted various measures to encourage and promote the establishment of cooperatives and associations of dairy farmers.

The third is to strengthen the industrial chain construction and allow dairy farmers to participate in multiple links in the industrial chain.

Gao Min, a national dairy industry scientist, said: “The local government should increase the construction of an industrial chain supporting service system, transform the absorption of dairy farmers into industrial workers, and enter the supporting industries so that an industry can bring a group of people to become rich.” In the process, we must not be too speedy. We must pay attention to safeguarding the basic income of individual dairy farmers, properly address the withdrawal of dairy farmers and follow-up work for subsequent industries, so as to prevent individual companies from damaging the interests of dairy farmers and trigger social problems.

The current situation of vast grasslands but few grass production and scarcity of cultivated land resources also determines that large-scale pastures in the development of China’s dairy industry cannot completely replace individual dairy farmers. While drawing on the North American model that focuses on large-scale ranching, it should also The need to consider the European model of an intensive family farm. The modernization of China's dairy industry cannot simply be equated with the scale of the dairy industry. The specialization and cooperation of retail dairy farmers is also a part of China's dairy industry's healthy development.

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