Causes of piglet hypoglycemia

1. Low temperature environment. The low temperature environment is one of the main causes of hypoglycemia in newborn piglets. Because of the cold stimulation, newborn piglets increase the consumption of glycogen in the body to maintain normal body temperature and reduce the amount of glycogen stored in the body. Hypoglycemia occurs when neonatal piglets reach a certain gap between the demand for glycogen and the supply of glycogen and cannot be balanced in time.

2. The sow has no milk or insufficient milk. Due to poor feeding and management of sows, sows are milkless, milkless and have low sugar content in their milk. Especially sows suffer from diseases such as mastitis, fever and other diseases, resulting in lactation disorders, resulting in insufficient postpartum milk or lack of milk. . Piglets develop this disease because of hunger, lack of glycogen, or failure to obtain glycogen.

3. Insufficient breast milk or digestion and absorption dysfunction of newborn piglets. Piglets are congenitally debilitated and have low viability and cannot adequately pump milk. There are too many piglets in the litter and the sow has insufficient nipples. Some piglets do not get the nipple and cannot eat breast milk. The newborn piglet has digestive and digestive dysfunction, as well as colostrum Concentration, milk protein, milk fat content is too high, hindered the digestion and absorption of newborn piglets.

4. Newborn piglets are stunted in the mother's body. Due to factors such as nutrition, management, and disease during pregnancy, the newborn piglet has poor growth and development in the sow, insufficient fatty acids and glucose stored in the sow, delayed maturation of ketogenic and gluconeogenic effects, resulting in hypoglycemia in piglets. disease.

Roasted Series

Rushan Jinguo Food Co., Ltd ,

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