These vegetables and fruits are eaten every month

Mushrooms: It is rich in nutrients, improves immunity, and loses weight. Mushrooms contain a lot of nutrients such as inorganic substances, vitamins, and proteins. However, the calories are very low, and they often do not get fat. And the mushroom contains high plant cellulose, which can prevent constipation and reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. Vitamin C in mushrooms is much higher than normal fruits and can promote the body's metabolism.

Spinach: Eat spinach will not be anemia, strong constitution, good skin, detoxification, protect eyesight, and stabilize emotions. It is very important for folic acid in spinach to be aimed at her mother. Sufficient folic acid supplementation during pregnancy not only avoids giving birth to babies with developmental defects, but also reduces the probability of newborn babies suffering from leukemia, congenital heart disease and other diseases.

Tomatoes: Prevent cancer, increase appetite, make people energetic and have whitening effect.

Potato: Eat more potatoes can ease hot, constipation, but also can protect the spleen and stomach, Qi and Runchang. Applying potato chips to your eyes can relieve eye bags.

Walnut: brain, 0.5 kg walnuts nutritional value is equivalent to 2.5 kg of eggs or 4.5 kg of milk. Proteins in walnuts have lysine, which is extremely important to the human body and is very beneficial to the brain.

Oranges: Anti-cancer, a medium-sized orange can provide the vitamin C people need a day to improve the body's ability to resist bacterial attack. Oranges remove free radicals harmful to health and inhibit the growth of tumor cells.


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Over 60 health studies have been conducted thus far on the benefits of the Dried Goji Berries.The results of these studies show positive and strong results indicating various health benefits to those daily diet consists of ingesting the dried goji berries.

Traditional Chinese medicine has used goji berries to enhance body functions,such as immune system,increased sperm production,increased liver functions,increase blood circulation and even improve eyesight problems and many others.

Dried Goji Berries

Mixed Dried Goji Berry,Dried Organic Goji Berry,Fresh Dried Goji Berries,Natural Dried Goji Berry

Ningxia Red Power Goji Co., Ltd. ,

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