What should we eat more

Lead: The frost falls on October 23, and it is better to spend the winter in frost and health supplements. Frost is particularly cold and dry, and a healthy diet requires supplementing some moistening, nourishing yin, nourishing the lungs, and spleen food. What does it do when the frost falls on the air? In fact, the coming of frost and solar terms, such as ducks, persimmons, radishes, and nuts, are typical and popular. food. Xiao Bian tells you specifically about the “Frost and Solar Energy to Eat” solar health knowledge to see if there is anything you like.

What does the climate save?

In some places in China, red persimmons have to be eaten during the fall season. In the eyes of the locals, this will not only keep warm and keep warm, but also make up for bones and bones. Quanzhou old people's argument for eating persimmons with frost is: When the cream falls and eats Dingshi, it will not runny nose. In some places, the interpretation of this custom is: Frost falls on this day to eat dumplings, otherwise the entire winter will be cracked. Like persimmons, persimmons enter the lungs and have the effect of moistening the lungs, regenerating fluids, and stopping bleeding to relieve stagnation and phlegm. Qiuzao also let people get angry, when the frost falls, dieting and supplementing Yishi persimmon has the effect of clearing fire and moistening the stomach and intestines. There is an old saying “frost is down, eat persimmons”. Persimmons are usually fully mature before and after the frost fall. At this time, the persimmon skin is thin and delicious and has high nutritional value.


What to eat on the climate:

As the saying goes, "Winter eat radish summer eat ginger", radish is a high nutritional value, affordable food. According to nutritionists, usually the upper part of the radish near the leaves tastes sweeter, less spicy and has the most moisture, and can be eaten raw, so the restaurant will choose to use this part to make a salad or salad; the middle part has a similar level of pungency and sweetness. It is the best choice for cooking, steaming or stewing. It is the first choice for soups. The extremely pungent part of the tail is suitable for frying or frying. However, health experts also reminded that radish cool, eat radish should not be excessive, especially the spleen and stomach Deficiency, North China has spread the tradition of frost eating radish. Frost eating not only helps digestion, increases appetite, but also goes to oily and healthy foods; if it is made with other food products, it also has different effects.

What does the climate save? The chestnut nourishes the stomach and strengthens the spleen.

It is most appropriate to eat chestnut tonic. This is because chestnuts are sweet and warm and have the effect of nourishing the stomach, strengthening the spleen, strengthening the kidneys, and relieving cough and phlegm. Especially suitable for chronic diarrhea caused by spleen and stomach Deficiency, kidney weakness due to backache knee soft. It is even more beneficial to eat chestnuts after frost. First of all, chestnuts can provide enough energy for the body. Chestnuts are dried fruit varieties with more carbohydrates and provide more heat, which helps the body resist cold. Second, eating chestnuts can enhance human immunity. After the frost falls, it is a season of frequent colds. Chestnuts not only have a good effect of Qi, they can improve the body's immunity, and chestnuts are also rich in vitamin C, which can improve the body's ability to adapt to the cold, eat in moderation, and stay away from colds. Troubled.

What does the climate save?

The people of Taiwan in southern Taiwan have to eat tonic on this day of frost, which is what we often call “admiration in autumn” in northern China. In each frost season, the ducks in the Fujian-Taiwan area will sell very hot, and sometimes they will be out of stock and in short supply. The bosses who are happy to sell the ducks are not together. Ducks can be eaten in addition to Qiuzao. Ducks and chickens are the same species of poultry and their efficacy is very different. Chickens are particularly suitable for autumn and winter tonics. Folks are said to have "every nine chickens and good body in the coming year." The duck is a waterfowl. The Yuan Dynasty's physician, Si Sihui, said in the "Ye drink is going to be good" that the duck is sweet, cold, non-toxic, makes up for the deficiency, disinfects the heat, and benefits the waterway. Can be used for headache, Yin insomnia, Hyperactivity cough, nephritis, edema, urination, fever and other embolism.

Frost and solar energy should eat more Tips: Frost and solar energy should eat some moist dry Yin and diet, such food products have the effect of enhancing immunity. Whole wheat noodles, wheat kernels, bean sprouts, soymilk, peanuts, sesame, sweet potato, yam, pumpkin, radish, cabbage, onion, coriander, lily, fungus, pear, apple, grape, coriander, jujube, olive, sweet almond, sugarcane , honey, duck eggs, etc. are more suitable for consumption in this season. If you want to converge yang can increase the amount of hawthorn, schisandra, persimmon, vinegar and other sour foods in the diet. If there is no cold weather or there is no coldness in the body, foods that do not use sweating or sweating should be used as little as possible, such as green onions, ginger, peppers and mustard.


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